Black Women's Initiative

Black Women's Initiative aims the horizon their goals & desires to be met
African Caribbean Centre of Central Alberta will launch the Black women's initiative through empowerment & support Black women, learn about business strategies, learn about financial literacy and business development, adapt to change, and organize monthly business gatherings to discuss economic security ideas and bring speakers & to connect women with other mentors in their related fields of interest. ACCoCA will achieve this goal through a membership program, and we will ask women to write their biographies and advertise their businesses on our website and social media as part of their membership benefits, including further discounts for the members for future events. Therefore, the membership program has a monthly fee of ten dollars or a one-time payment of one hundred twenty dollars. If you are interested in being one of the members, please subscribe to be a member here. All the members will be featured on this page and beyond.
Thank you so much for supporting Black Women’s Initiative in Central Alberta.